Phone OCD

I am extremely OCD with my phone's battery life. The thing is, I don't text people, call people for hours on end, or Face Time. No, I scroll through Twitter during my school day and pretty much use my phone for music.

However, I still see my iPhone battery life as a game. I try to keep it at the highest percentile possible, and then when I get home I get a sense of satisfaction for doing so.

I keep my brightness almost all the way down, I exit out of every app right after I use it, etc. Why do I do this though? It doesn't help my battery that I keep it on 75% and then charge it all night.

I know this a really random post, at 8:55 at night, but it has been bugging me lately. Today, I tried to break my rebel habit of preserving my phone battery and right now it's at 41% battery.

Do you guys have problems like me or am I a loser who is obsessed with my phone's battery??

Anyway, until next time!

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