If you didn't know, One Direction came to St. Louis. THE HOTTEST BOY BAND OF ALL TIME WAS IN MY CITY. Okay, I promise I won't yell anymore via computer (maybe...)

Let me first say that they were even better than when I saw them last year, for a couple different reasons. One, I feel like they had more freedom when it came to how they wanted to perform and the graphics that were on the screens. Second, they just seemed to be happier than last year. 

My tickets were better at last years concert (Kansas City) were better but my STL tickets were not bad by any means, they were actually good but for different reasons. I brought my friend Maddie and we were in section 443, seats 9 and 10. We were around three sections up in a balcony but we were the front row of the balcony so we could see everything clearly.
This was the best photo to show because it's lighted
I purchased a shirt (for $40...) at a merchandise booth and it was the most crazy thing I've seen in my entire life. There weren't any lines it was just a mob of people storming a booth of 3 people. By the time Maddie and I got to our seats we only got to hear the opening act, Jamie Scott, sing two songs. His album comes out in October and just hearing him sing a few songs, I know I want to buy his album.

Liam was an incredible entertainer, he was constantly dancing and flipping his microphone in his hand. Niall did his signature skip-dance down the aisle. Harry interacted with fans so well, he sang happy birthday to a nine year old girl, and he wore tons of different hats that were thrown on stages. Louis sounded incredible and really hit his notes, he also was always joking around with everyone. Zayn hit all the extremely high notes BUT every time he was projected on the screen he'd turn away so I could never get a good picture.

Another huge thing I noticed when it came from last year to this year was their energy level. I felt like the guys were way more into it this year than last. I think that had to do with the fact that they had more of a choice in their music. In my opinion, the Up All Night tour was to establish them, then in Take Me Home they had a little more of what they wanted to make (music-wise) and in Midnight Memories they had even more freedom. I think they are finally being able to make the music THEY want versus what huge big-wigs think they/we want. I think that's why I'm so excited for the next album because it will be even more them. 

The main point I want people to understand about this concert was that the guys sound AMAZING live. So many times people just assume that because One Direction are a boy band they have no talent. Niall played guitar for a majority of the time and Liam played the keyboard for a little bit. They are extraordinary singers and I wish, even if people don't like their music, that people would respect them.

Now for all the photos, I hope you enjoy. 

Because Harry made this happen

Then Harry poured water on himself and his hair ended up in a pony tail

This is what I was talking about, how Zayn wouldn't look in the camera
I used the camera I record my YouTube videos on to take photos. I'm really happy with how they turned out, overall. I think there were some really good photos mixed in.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

Peanut Butter Cookies

I don't like to procrastinate. This is rare for most teenagers and people in general. I have seven classes and if I was to ever procrastinate in one class, I know that at some point I would have a mental break down from stress. One thing I'm really good at, though, is taking breaks when I get home from school. 

When I get home from school I give myself some time to relax because the last thing I want is do homework after seven hours of school. 

On particularly stressful days I bake because it's a stress reliever. I don't have to worry about anything when I bake because I'm creating something entirely my own. Yes, I use other people's recipes, but I still try to make each recipe my own. There (usually) isn't anything stressful about baking, it is cracking eggs, measuring brown sugar, stirring in chocolate chips. 

So like always, I will post the original recipe here. The recipe I list is with the changes I made.

Peanut Butter Cookies:
- 1/2 c. butter
- 1 c. peanut butter
- 1/2 c. sugar
- 1/2 c. brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 TBS. vanilla
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- pinch of salt
- 1 1/2 c. flour

1) Preheat the oven to 350 F. Cream together peanut butter and butter.

2) Add both sugars and continue to beat

3) Add eggs, vanilla, baking soda, baking powder, salt and continue to mix

 4) Slowly add in the flour
5) Roll dough into balls and place on a cookie sheet. (**I pressed a fork into the dough to get the lines across the top)
 6) Bake for 9 minutes

 This was a really simple recipe and it was really quick to make, too.

Until next time,

Taylor xx

My Friends Leaving

Three of my best friends of all time are about to leave for a new adventure in their lives. I am so freaking excited for them, but while I type this my eyes are welling up with tears. Savannah, Briana, and Peyton showed me what it was like to have incredible friends who truly care about you. I was a little sophomore that trotted behind the seniors but they didn't care. They still invited me to do things and by the end of the swim season I was an "honorary" senior. 

Peyton and Savannah are rooming together, at a state school so they'll be able to visit more often. Briana is going to Arizona, 17 HOURS AWAY!! She'll come back around Christmas. CHRISTMAS!! 

It's just so crazy to think that I'll be going throughout junior year without them because everything I did sophomore year was with them. I have incredible friends in my grade too (Danielle, Maddie, Anya, Abby, Kaitlin). I just I know I'm going to miss them so, so, so, much and nothing will beat being with them in person.

I'm afraid because even though we'll still be friends, we're going to be at such different places in our lives and that is what truly terrifies me. I fear that the people I became so close to are going to become distant. But I also know that all my worry is for nothing because they'd never flat out leave and not talk to me again. I guess it's just the unknown that scares me, like always.

I'm sorry this was a rambling post of my feelings but this week is going to be a huge change in my life.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

First Day of Junior Year

The first day of junior year arrived today. So far all my teachers seem great, especially my AP English Lang/Comp teacher. He is known as being the hardest (and best) teacher in the district. He works on improving his students writing and helping them learn strategies for succeeding in standardized tests. He has the kind of humor that I have, too, which is good because I understand it. I'm still a little nervous about Pre-Calc because math is not my strong suit. My Pre-Calc teacher seems really good at his job, so hopefully it will be better than last year.

I hope to write a "Last Day of Junior Year" post because I know that the time between August 13, 2014 to May 27, 2015(ish, depending on snow days) will hold a lot of memories and moments. I'll go to my third homecoming, take my second college level exam, and attend my first prom. 

I have a feeling this year is going to be a good one and I hope that when I reflect back on it I will feel the same.

Until next time,
Taylor xx 

PS: Do you all like the new white/black/turquoise theme. I think I like it better than having a picture in the background because now you can focus on the post. I'll try to incorporate more photos into my posts now.

Banana Bread

If you read my last post you know that I'm extremely stressed out. Baking relieves my stress instantly because my entire focus is on what I'm making. It was perfect timing because my dad asked me to use the bananas for banana bread and I needed to relieve the stress. I got this from All Recipes (*I know I know) so it isn't too complicated but I did change it up a little bit, like I usually do. I'll leave the original link below too, so you can check it out.

Also, I found that photographing banana bread is very hard because the batter isn't very pretty, so sorry in advance.

Original Recipe

-2 c. flour
-1 tsp. baking soda
-1/4 tsp. salt
-1/2 c. butter (one stick)
-3/4 c. brown sugar
-2 eggs, beaten
-3 overripe bananas, mashed

1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Grease a 9x5 loaf pan

2.Combine flour, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl and set aside

3. Cream brown sugar and butter in a large mixing bowl

4. Stir in mashed bananas and eggs
    *I don't know how much it matters if the eggs are beaten or not but I beat the eggs
mashed bananas

5. Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients

6. Pour batter into the pan and bake for 60-65 minutes
    *I used stoneware cookware, it holds more heat in, so I baked my bread for     around 55 minutes

I hope you all enjoyed the pictures! If you have a great banana bread recipe leave it in the comment section, I'd love to try it out.

Until next time,
Taylor xx