Bookaholic Book Tag

 If you watch my YouTube channel you know I do a lot of "tag" videos. These kind of videos are so fun and easy because all you do is answer questions (and the journalist in me loves it). However, one of my friends **cough cough Rachel** said I do too many. I watched "Bookables" Bookaholic Book Tag today and loved it but I don't have a book-tube channel. Also, I just posted a tag video last week and decided I probably should cut back a little. I rarely do tags on here so I thought I should today. Hopefully you all won't mind.

1) What do you love about buying new books?
I love that I can declare a book mine and not have to worry about returning it and that someone else will ruin it. I also love that new book/old book smell, but that's a given.

2) How often do you buy new books?
Not very often. I pace the Target aisles every time, combing through the books but I never actually buy them. I usually go to the library or write it on an ever-growing list. Hopefully I can go to a resale book shop or something soon.

3) Bookstore or online shopping?
Bookstore. I'm a pacer, I walk up and down the same few rows of Barnes and Noble 100 times. I want to physically hold the book.

4) Do you have a favourite bookstore?
Mainly just Barnes and Noble because there aren't any other bookstores around me.

5) Do you preorder books?
Nope, again I just add books to my lists.

6) Do you have a monthly book buying limit?
I don't buy books a lot so no again. I want to buy books but I'm 15 and don't have a job which means I don't have a lot of money.

7) Book buying bans, are they for you?
Previous question ^^^

8) How big is your wishlist?
I used to hand write my book wishlist but now I got a "Goodreads" account and have a list "to-read". Currently there are 74 books on my list.

9) Which books do you want NOW?
I want the Divergent series because I only read Divergent back in 8th grade and I want to actually read the entire series. Also I really want to read the Crank series. Those are just a few, go to my "Goodreads" account here

10) Whom do you tag?
Well I did this via blog so comment down below your answers and if you have a Goodreads account, I'll check out your profile.

Social Media:
YouTube: Videos EVERY Saturday

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