"New Year New Me"

If you take part in social media you know the phrase "new year new me" has been getting a lot of hate. I agree to some extent that this phrase can be disastrous but I also see its potential.

For me I want to apply "new year new me" to my life in 2015 because I feel like 2014 was a year of starting to figure out who I want to be and that this year it will finally take shape. I want to be more confident, not apologize for everything, and be happy with who I am/do what I enjoy. I cut my hair and, as cheesy as it may sound, the physical change signifies a new me.

However, just because a new year is upon us does not mean that life will suddenly improve immensely. To have a "new year new me" you have to change certain aspects of your life. If you continue doing what you've always done, you'll just stay how you are. I want to be more confident, well I'm going to vlog more which will put me out of my comfort zone. I have to willingly open myself up to change in order to make the new year better. 

But again, you don't have to wait for the new year to make changes in your life. Every single day is a gift and provides an opportunity, make the most of it. Yes, it may be easier to say that you'll start over at the beginning of the new year but if you want to change your lifestyle do it TODAY. 

While people continuously hate on the phrase "new year new me", it can motivate people to change their lives. Put enough passion behind your cause and you can accomplish your goals. Because this is the first day of the year, analyze what you want to improve on in your life and complete actions that will lead you in the right direction.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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