Being an Introvert

I'm an introvert and everyone who knows me knows it. Lately I've been watching videos and reading a lot on introverts and thought I would share it with you which means, yes, I will have a ton of links in the description below. This post is going to be filled with misconceptions of introverts as well as opinions.

Misconception #1: We're all shy
Yes, I was cringe-worthy shy in elementary school and throughout middle school, however once I hit high school I broke that barrier. It's not that I don't talk a lot because I'm shy, it's more because I like listening more. I listen to everything going on and can pick up on multiple conversations, especially in school. This could be a plus if I'm friends with you because you can talk the entire time and I'm fine with it, I'll listen to all your problems. I'm not good at giving advice though, so spiel all of your issues on me but don't ask me what to do about it, sorry. 

27 things only INTROVERTS will get. Because even though introverts are misunderstood constantly, you know this to be true:

Misconception #2: I don't hate people
I go to school 5 days a week for 7 hours, totaling (you guessed it) 35 hours of constant social interaction. Let's not forget swimming in the winter for 2 hours after school everyday, plus layout week for newspaper once a month, equalling even more time. Once it's Friday night I just want to relax BY MYSELF. This isn't to say that I will never do anything on a Friday night ever, but I need time for myself to unwind. It's not that I hate people, it's that I've been around them a lot the past five days and I just need my space. Extroverts need more social stimulation whereas introverts like myself need time alone to read, listen to music, watch YouTube, etc.
Misconception #3: I don't want to travel
Being extremely close to my family+ the fact that I'm introverted must mean that I never want to go anywhere or do anything right? No. My favorite travel blogger, Liz, lives this to a T. She has traveled to so many incredible places all around the world while still being an introvert. She doesn't let her introverted-ness stop her from doing what she loves. One day I hope to be able to do exactly what she is doing. I'm going to link her most recent most about being introverted down below but it truly embodies me and my life ambitions. Will it be difficult for me at first to travel, of course, but I have so many places I want to go and see. FYI, Liz also travels independently which is even cooler. 

Those are the main misconceptions that I currently face, are any of you introverts and face similar struggles? Or are there other struggles you face?

Okay now time for all of the links:
+ Susan Cain's Ted Talk on "The Power of Introverts": here
+ Carrie Hope Fletcher on "wild nights": here
+ Struggles of an Introvert: here

Wow that was a lot of links but they all have an extreme amount of value and I really hope you check out some of them. If you agree be sure to share this with your friends and comment your struggles as an introvert, or even as an extrovert.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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