
Sorry all, I really just needed to rant. For the entire year of marketing I've loved it and have understood everything, however, this unit is pricing. I can't seem to grasp it at all. We have this huge packet/study guide that I understand because we have examples coinciding with them but then I get to the quizzes and I can't seem to remember anything. My teacher is allowing us to retake them it just frustrates me because I'm trying really hard but still not getting it. We also have this huge pricing catalog we have to do that I thought I completed correctly but I actually did it ALL wrong so that's fabulous (sarcasm). I tried to go in and correct some of it tonight but lucky me the website our school district uses for teacher webpages is DOWN so I can't even get to what I need to fix my problems. Awesome (again more sarcasm).

Swimming is also wrapping up, which I'm so ready for but because it's wrapping up I'm supposed to be dropping a lot of time. My 500 time as been stuck around 6:33 which is still better than any time I ever got last year but my best this year was 6:29 and I want to go under that by our conference meet. My 200 free is right around 2:22-24 and I know I can break 2:22 I just haven't yet. I don't want this to sound like an excuse but I'm just so tired. We've practiced every single day since mid-November and my body is just dead. I'm trying to fix all of the technique problems I have and in turn I stress myself out about all the little things.

On a brighter note I guess, work starts up March 1 so I will start making money again. And at least I'm not trying to manage AP English on top of all of this.

Okay, rant closed, thanks for listening.

Taylor xx

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