Life is Good

Since moving back to school I've been pretty open about adjusting to change. At one point I became frustrated with myself because I realized that I had to accept my new normal and I was okay with that, I mentally just wasn't doing it.

Then I tried to stop putting pressure on myself to be happier and embraced every each day as it happened. This week I finally felt good again. Tuesday I hosted a PJs and Pancakes event for Kappa Delta's International Women's Friendship Month. Yesterday chapter members wrote letters with alumnae members to mail out to other women who have made a difference in our lives and that event was also successful. To round off the day we had a sisterhood at a pumpkin patch here in Springfield.

It may have taken a bit to get here but I'm really happy with life right now. I'm forever thankful for the people in my life who have motivated me and surrounded me with love, even when they didn't know I needed it.

Going into October there are so many exciting things: I'm going home for a wedding this upcoming weekend, Kappa Delta initiation, running my half marathon and celebrating 11 months with David, Halloween and a KD date party.

There will undoubtedly be challenges in between these good moments, but I will not let them consume me with negativity. I'm trying to make a long term impact on my attitude and mindset, especially as I go into mid terms and the holidays.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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