My Best Friend

Today is not only Mother's Day but also my mom's birthday. My mom and I are close, and I mean really close, she's my best friend. I hope that one day I can grow up and be the mother she is. Her love for God, her dedication to her job, and love for her family inspires me. 
She constantly works hard, while always making sure my brother and I are okay. I can go to my mom at any time with any problem I might have. I'm so fortunate to have her in my life.

So Mom, this post is for you. Thank you for listening to me rant about school for hours on end, letting me cry on your shoulder when I need to, and making me laugh each and every day. 

You inspire me each and every day, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I'm at college. I'm going to miss you more than words could ever describe. I'll probably text you every day (at least for the first semester), and I will try to fill each message with some of my sarcasm. 

I know you know, but, I love you so much.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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