Last Newspaper Layout Night

Since the beginning of the year, the Timberland newspaper (The Wolf's Howl) staff has worked to produce a total of 8 newspaper. I walked onto staff after taking journalism last year and I was a little apprehensive. I was afraid that everyone was going to be really cliquish and I wouldn't fit in.

I couldn't have been more wrong. Everyone is newspaper has become my family. Although I have only been on staff this year, everyone else has said that this is the closest staff we've ever had. Through every layout week, and class in general, the staff has seen me at my best and worst. For our last layout night, we were all supposed to say the one person who has impacted us the most. I went third and I picked 2 people, but then felt like I should say something about everyone. This ensued a 2 hour cry fest as practically everyone said something about everyone. 
Everyone except Kaylee and Tyler.
Order (from bottom left): me, Aly, Maddie. Next row: Claud, Savs, Ronnie, Danielle, Mary
The guys: Bryce, Brandon, Joey, Tristin, Dustin
You all have made me enjoy something in high school, and have made high school worth it. I already told you in person why I appreciate each and every one of you, so I shall spare us all again. 

However, I do want to thank Ms. Hoffmann, my advisor, you have taught me so much, not just about newspaper but myself. Thank you for your little bits of positivity when it's Thursday night and I'm stressed to the max. 
My polaroid picture
Thank you all for everything, I love you more than you'll ever know. If you can, join publications, the skills you learn and the friendships you make are incredible.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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