Channel Identity

With the end of the school year quickly approaching, all of this work has toppled me. I have a final in Honors Chemistry that will make or break my grade, I'm barely holding onto a B- for semester in Algebra II, and I have to create a music video for my church. I actually want to do the music video, and make it good, so I've been spending a lot of time on it. For the past week though I haven't touched my book bag once I've gotten home because nothing has to be done essentially. I can wait one more day. Right? 

If you watch my YouTube channel recently, you've seen my lack of creative videos this month because of the AP US History exam, EOCs, and finals. I've been contemplating what my channels identity should be. When I first started videos I wanted to do more beauty guru stuff (ha that's funny because I barely wear any makeup at all and despise shopping, this is also why the videos were ten minutes long). Then I tried to just talk about my opinions on things or tags because I liked discussing my view on topics. 

Now though, I've really gotten into reading again and want to do booktubing. If you've seen my booktube videos they aren't the best but I still enjoy filming them. I want to start doing book hauls and book reviews and then also publish written reviews on my blog here. 

As you can tell I'm kind of going through a YouTube identity crisis. I don't think I have to decide on a specific category because YouTube is open to so many different platforms but at the same time I want a general direction. So do any of you reading this have any ideas for what I should do? I want to get back into some more "topic-y" videos but I need time to film those first.

I guess all in all, what I'm saying is that throughout the next few months my channel will probably contain all sorts of videos just to see what I enjoy the most.

But until next time 

Taylor xx  

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