Biggest Fear

Currently I am reading "Insurgent", the second installment of the Divergent trilogy. I read Divergent in 8th grade and when I heard about the movie, I tried to pick up right away on Insurgent but couldn't remember anything.

My friend Rachel is amazing and owns all three of the books as hardbacks and trusted me enough to lend each one to me. I reread "Divergent" a week ago and I'm halfway through "Insurgent". I'm trying to avoid spoilers so pretty much Tris starts to debate her biggest fears. This got me thinking, what is my biggest fear?

I believe that one of my biggest fears is living without my family.

My mom is my best friend, I tell her everything and she is ALWAYS there for me. My dad is so supportive and knowledgeable about athletics and math. Finally, my brother, he can always make me laugh and is always there to comfort me or get me something when I need it. To live in a world where my family is absent will be the worst day of my life.

With the simulations I started to contemplate what other fear landscapes I'd be put into. I think it's an interesting concept because I have fears but when someone brings them to life, that's a whole different situation.

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