Grateful Thursday #3: Late

This week has been so stressful and I totally forgot about this, so I thought I'd do it now.

1) The Oscars: Ellen was awesome and I loved how she handed out pizza. Everyone looked great and it was a great show.
2) Snow Schedule: on Monday we had a snow day however on Tuesday we used the "snow schedule" for the first time. This meant school would start 2 hours later so that it would warm up and that the parking lots would melt. School started at 9:20 instead of 7:20!! It was great 
4) the library: on my snow day Monday I went to the library and got a ton of books that I can't wait to read 
5) 5 seconds of summer: they're a band if you don't know and you should really check them out. They are so down to earth and their music is great to work out to!

Well hopefully you enjoyed those 5 little things listed above. I'll be posting a YouTube video tomorrow at some time so you should go check that out!! My channel is thebabyperks, and so is my twitter handle and Instagram!!

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