Patella Tendonitis

On Monday, I spent my lovely day off school going back and forth between doctors offices. First I went to the dermatologist, I won't bore you with those details. Second I went to the orthopedist. My left knee has been bothering me off and on since last June but being the stubborn person I am, I dealt with it and moved on. However, swim pre-season has kicked off and we started running a lot more. We had jumped from a mile, to two miles and then we ran three miles. During triathlon season I was running two-three miles but recently I have not. The day after running three miles my knee was KILLING me and my right hip was compensating for that. We made an appointment with a orthopedic doctor. Come to find out, I have patella tendonitis (when the tendon in your knee rubs against the bone and aggravates it). She said I needed to rest. This means no cardio. I can't swim, bike, or run for 2 weeks. There is a problem, two weeks from Monday is SWIM TRYOUTS. The only good thing about school is swim team. So I can't run or do anything besides core and upper body, which I need, but I want to run so bad. Well, happy Halloween! I'll post some more of my festivities tonight!

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