Health(ier) Puppy Chow!

I don't know about anyone else but I love good Puppy Chow. However, it isn't the most healthiest for you. At all. So today I decided to switch it up and try something that could be a tad bit healthier.

-  1/2 c. Natural Peanut Butter (I used Kirkland Signature Natural Peanut Butter Creamy)
-  2-3 c. Fiber One 80 Calorie Cereal (Chocolate)
- 1 c. powdered sugar ( I used Baker's Corner Confectioners Sugar)

1) In a medium microwaveable bowl heat the peanut butter for 15 seconds
2) Gradually add cereal to the peanut butter and mix
3) Pour the powdered sugar into a large plastic bag (gallon sized). Spoon the peanut butter cereal mix into the bag, seal it, and shake the mix until all combined.
4) Scoop the mixture into a container and enjoy!

*I stored mine in the freezer* 

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