Favorite Classes

My favorite classes, from favorite to least favorite:
1) Journalism: It's so chill in the class and it's the last hour of the day so that's a good combination!
2) Pre-AP English II: It's so easy it's not even funny, we're reading Julius Caesar right now which is kind of boring but that's okay!
3) Spanish II: I love my Spanish class x10 more than Spanish one, but that story is for a different day...
4) Algebra II: I got a 95 on math test for the first time since like 6th grade!
5) AP US History: I like my class but the content itself is blah
6) Health: My only blow off class, it's pretty standard
7) Honors chemistry: I. Don't. Like. Chemistry. At. ALL. That pretty much sums it up
-Im so happy for the four day weekend we have. I should bring posting some recipes soon. Also in Honors chem we have to do Mole day projects.... so I probably will be talking about that too (one word:ew)

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