Consumes You

Stress is normal-- sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be bad.

Last week I went to a Panhellenic sisterhood dedicated to mental health. A counseling center intern came in and talked with us about being busy. In today's society it's acceptable and honestly even expected at times to be busy all of the time. We talked about how this mentality is not good. You shouldn't feel overwhelmed with stress to the point it consumes you every day. There are times life is going to be stressful, yes, but it shouldn't get out of hand constantly.
This is yet another photo that doesn't relate to the post but I couldn't find anything else that fit so here is my breakfast (again) from a long time ago
I really took this to heart. I want everything to be the best it can be all of the time. Going into college you think you're only going to take classes related to your major but *fun fact* that isn't true. I'm currently in a Biology 160 level class that is easily one of the most challenging courses I've taken. Over the course of the semester I have let my struggles in this course consume me at times. As I sat in that sisterhood I realized that it isn't worth it. I'm working in teams and individually for some great nonprofits this semester and I'm doing great work. If I receive below an A in one class it isn't going to ruin me (especially in a biology class).

It took me until now in my education journey to get to this point. Even back in middle school I felt like I had to be the best of the best in grades because I thought my 6th grade GPA would impact me in the future. While I think that gave me a strong work ethic and drive, that GPA as a 12 year old didn't matter. My approach for the rest of the semester is something I've attempted to do in the past but I'm reclaiming now.

I'm doing the best I can and accepting that. It does no good to dwell on feeling like I'm worthless because I am consumed with stress (especially on a biology test). Twenty years from now a majority of my stressors won't matter. I want to spend my time working on my communication projects that I'm passionate about. Obviously I'm not going to completely disregard classes that aren't related to my major, but I am not going to be so hard on myself if I struggle. I am doing my best and that's what matters. 

I think we can sometimes be too hard on ourselves and need to give ourselves a break. Reclaiming what I stress about is one way I am doing that.

Don't let every little thing consume you. Sometimes life just has to happen and we have to accept it.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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