
I can't disappoint you Mr. Haines, or as you corrected me on Twitter, Dr. Haines, so here's a blog post about soccer. I used to play soccer, but as time went on I realized I'm not that competitive. 

Here's a picture of me, I'm the one on the very right looking as happy as ever. 

See, I was representing #Ambush before I even knew what it was/the team was  even formed. 

My soccer "career" started at the young age of three and continued until fifth grade, where I scored a total of three goals in my lifetime.

Here's another photo, sorry it's really blurry. I'm the fifth person from the left in the front row. I do have to admit, I look way happier here. 

I've only been to one St. Louis Ambush game so far, but when you come back in town I'll be able to go to 2 more (which I'm super excited for). I can't wait to see you all in person again!

Thank you for your tweets tonight, they made me laugh! I hope you had/have a good night! I also hope you enjoyed this blog post!


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