March Favorites

I did a favorites video back on my YouTube channel in January and thought I would try to do a blog post with my March favorites. None of these are makeup, they're just random things I have liked throughout the month.

1. Polaroid Camera

 My grandparents bought me this for Christmas and I absolutely love it. My original goal was to take a photo a week for 2015, but as you can tell I haven't. I don't want to waste a picture because I "have to", instead I wait for the times I really want a photo.

2. Polar Insulated Water Bottle 
Although these water bottles can be pricey, they are worth it. Once you put ice in, it stays cold for a long time. I bring one of these to school everyday but it's also perfect during training for triathlons, and swim practice.

3. "Just One Day" by Gayle Forman
Back in 8th grade this book was my favorite. For English III we started an independent novel project and I thought I would reread this. I wanted to see if my feelings for the book back in 8th grade aligned with how I view life, per say, now. I definitely have some different feelings but my love for the book is still as strong as it was when I was 13. If you have a book that you loved a few years back, reread it and see if your viewpoint has changed.

4. Skinny Pop
I am obsessed with popcorn especially air-popped popcorn. Skinny Pop is light and fluffy (if popcorn can be fluffy...), and tastes like air-popped popcorn without all of the hassle. I picked up this jumbo bag at Costco.
5. Keurig K-Cup Coffee's (& Tea)
I'm an avid coffee drinker. The very left coffee in the picture is the "Blonde Bright Sky Blend", the middle is "Carmel Vanilla Cream" and the right is Tazo Tea's green tea. I drink the coffees in the morning. Green tea is caffeinated so I sometimes drink it after school, but not all the time. At night I usually have a cup of decaf tea before bed.

I love favorites posts because I like to see the other products and items other people love. I hope you all enjoyed this too.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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