Bucket List

I completed the Polar Plunge this Saturday (a video should be up about it in a few days) which got me thinking about my bucket list. Although the Polar Plunge wasn't originally on my bucket list, I can say I accomplished it.

So here we go...

1. Visit London
I have wanted to visit London for around 2 years now and my passion to do so is still strong. I love the feel of the city and the atmosphere seems spectacular.

photo via: bg.wikipedia.org
 Can we discuss the beauty of this sunset?
photo via: en.wikipedia.org
 Or the London Eye?
photo via: pixabay.com

2. Bungee Jumping in New Zealand
On one season of Biggest Loser the contestants traveled to New Zealand to bungee jump and since then I've been set on traveling there to do the same. For some crazy reason I justify bungee jumping because I would be strapped to a cord and would feel safer (?) 

photo via: en.wikipedia.org
3. Attend Playlist Live in Orlando and Vidcon in LA
Both are YouTuber conventions where you get to go around different convention spaces and meet with your favorite YouTubers. I'd also get the feel of the LA lifestyle for a weekend without having to commit to living there.

4. Run a Marathon
I'm a triathlete but I would love to be able to say that I've done a marathon.

5. Work/Intern for Make A Wish
I would love to be able to bring kid's greatest dreams to life. 

6. Go on a Mission Trip out of the country
A small group of people from my church go on a dental trip every year to Honduras. When I turn 18 I would love to accompany them. Another place I would like to go would be Haiti or South Africa.

photo via: commons.wikimedia.org
This photo is from Haiti, there are so many needs in this country and I just want to wrap my arms around all of those families.

7. Reach 250,000 subscribers on YouTube
Right now I'm at 61 subscribers and I would love to have this huge goal of mine accomplished by 5-6 years. My goal for this year is 100.

8. Go to Hawaii with my family
I'm going this summer so the only necessary thing to say is woooooo

9. Run a 5k with my mom
Mom if you're reading this, I KNOW you can do a 5K and we are going to do it!!!

10. Write a book
I have loved reading my entire life. I would love to be able to create my own piece of literature to publish. Maybe it could even be a book full of my photos with the stories behind them.

Those are just 10 of the things on my bucket list I thought I would share with you. What are some of the things on your bucket list?

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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