Growing Up

Today I was listening to the Taylor Swift album "Speak Now". This album was made in 2010, 5 years ago!! I don't know how five years could have already passed, it's crazy. 

In high school everyone talks about "getting out of town" and wanting to leave for college. I saw something this week that hit me. High schoolers want to escape high school because we see college as a way better situation. However college brings a whole other slue of challenges. You have to provide for yourself in a way you never had to before and BE RESPONSIBLE for yourself. Too many of us are dying to grow up and we forget that the rest of our adult life is ahead. I'm so guilty of this but as this year has progressed it's truly hit me that my last year of high school is coming up. I'm looking at colleges and narrowing down majors. I've started to do more in order to enjoy high school because eventually it will end and only be memories.

Taylor Swift in 2007
Taylor Swift has a song called "Never Grow Up" which documents going from elementary school where everything is great, to middle/high school where she's embarrassed of her parents, to now going to to bed in an apartment all alone. 

Taylor Swift in 2014

Todays society is all about go-go-go, we never stop and slow down to appreciate our accomplishments. I challenge you this week to slow down and appreciate who you are, what you've done, and your goals. If you don't set goals you don't have anything to motivate you.

Until next time, 
Taylor xx

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