Why I Don't Sleepover

It's the mark of childhood, your first sleepover. I actually don't remember mine but that is besides the point. If you know me personally nine times out of ten I will refuse to spend the night at your house. I'll stay until ten or eleven but then politely leave.

Now you are probably wondering why I don't spend the night. There are a few reasons.

1) I go to bed early and wake up early. Most nights I go to bed around 10:30 and wake up anywhere between 6:00-7:45. My friends always say that I can wake them up, but why would I wake you up at 7:00 if your normal wake up time is 9:00-12:00.

This leads to my second point,

2) I hate wasting time. Due to the fact that I ALWAYS wake up early, I usually start my day off right away (especially with swim practice in the summer being at 7:45, I have to go to bed/wake up early). And again, I don't want to wake you up so I can tell you I'm leaving, that seems counterproductive. 

3) I like following a schedule. I almost never sleep in, so even if I go to bed later I still wake up at the same time. Then, I'm exhausted and can't accomplish as much. This goes back to my second point of wasting time.

I love my friends and everything, but I really enjoy just hanging out and then being able to return home.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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