The Importance of VBS

Vacation Bible School is something I've been a part of since I was 3 or 4. If you don't know what it is, it's a 5 day camp (at my church from 9-12) all about developing and growing children's relationship with Jesus Christ. This year's theme was "Weird Animals". There were a lot of those, from Axolotls to Star-nosed moles. 

I had a group of fantastic fifth graders. A majority of the time during VBS is spent singing and dancing to songs centered around the theme for the year. When I was younger I was shy and never, ever wanted to dance. Every single one of my kids danced, every single time. For me, that was amazing because I was never as outgoing as they were at that age. I think it also inspired me to dance and sing more because they were participating too.

I always doubt myself when it comes to kids because I feel like I can never connect with them. However, I still work at VBS every year. By the end of the week, I'm exhausted but I see God still shining brightly through all the kids.

I guess the reason I'm writing this is to say how much youth can impact the kids. I saw how a lot of the kids looked up to the youth and we set an example for them. If I am able to show Christ's love to a child for the first time and plant the seed in their heart, I've done my job. 

My kids were going to be in fifth grade so I especially talked about how they should come to youth group the following year. I think it's important to show the kids early on that the older youth want them there. As a middle schooler I was intimidated by the high schoolers, but by telling them how much I want to see them at youth I hope they really take it to heart. 

I hope you, too, have the chance to really impact a child's life.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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