Winter Tag

❄ Top 2 Winter Beauty Essentials
Moisturizer/lotion and a good brown eyeshadow
❄ Top 2 Winter Fashion Essentials
Combat boots and sweaters
❄ Favorite Winter Accessory?
Do fuzzy socks count?? 
❄ Favorite Winter Nail Polish
Revlon's Smoky (820) I reviewed it in my November favorites
❄ Hot Cocoa or Apple Cider?
Hot Cocoa
❄ Favorite Winter Candle?
I don't really burn a lot of candles but I really want to purchase the Christmas cookie one!!
❄ Snowboarding or Skiing?
Skiing! I haven't been in a few years but I absolutely love it
❄ Have you ever gone Ice Skating? Are you any good or do you FAIL miserably?
Yes I have. I'm good after a while but when I start out I'm pretty terrible
❄ Does it snow where you live?
Yes it does, sometimes a lot other times not as much
❄ Have you ever made a snowman?
Yes but that is also something I have failed miserably at
❄ What holiday do you celebrate?
❄ Favorite Christmas/Holiday song?
Really any Christmas song besides the one that's called something like "last Christmas I gave you my heart" I don't like it at all, it's just stupid. But I love Michael Buble Christmas album, as well as the traditional Christmas church songs we sing.  
❄ Favorite Christmas/Holiday movie?
I'll say the stereotypical Elf. I also love "It's a Wonderful Life" and a complete opposite, "Christmas Vacation."
❄ What is your favorite winter treat? (candy cane, gingerbread, etc…)
Anything peppermint, as well as sugar cookies!
❄ If you were to ask Santa for one thing and you were guaranteed to get it, what would it be? (even if you don’t celebrate Christmas)
To meet any of these people: One Direction, Louis Cole (Fun for Louis), Zoe Sugg (Zoella), Marcus Butler (marcusbutlertv), Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Alfie Days (pointlessblog), Jim Chapman, Tanya Burr, Louise (sprinkleofglitter), or Ellen Degeneres.
❄ Do you have anything fun planned for this winter
 To swim a lot and just become more creative

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