Barberis and Brews

Instagram stories and highlights are a convenient and easy way to share where you're at, but it's more challenging to fully document your experience. To keep track of the breweries we've been to and our thoughts of them we devised a "Tap Tour Rating" of nine factors. After going to a brewery, we discuss and rate the brewery in each category. The higher the score, the better.

Barberis & Brews is here! If you know me and David at all you know that we have a love for beer. It started a little after we started dating, but unfortunately I wasn't 21 yet so I would go to breweries with David and stick to sampling the appetizers (I'm not too upset about it). In July 2019 I
 finally turned 21 and was able to begin my own beer journey.

It really began my final semester at Drury when David and I participated in the Ozark Tap and Pour Beverage Tour. It was a great way to be introduced to all the local breweries in the Ozarks. Since then I've been hooked on craft beer (you can check out the highlight on my Instagram @thebabyperks to see where we went).

Once I moved to KC we began to explore the brewery scene here. While we haven't participated in any official KC brewery tours, I created another Instagram highlight to track some of the places we've been. 

While we sat in quarantine and I stared blankly at my blog not knowing what to share, I played around with the idea of discussing beer here. Why not? It's my and David's biggest "hobby" so why wouldn't I share? At first I thought about discussing individual beers, and while we've tried a lot of them, I still don't know the ins-and-outs of all the technical elements of beer. Instead, I thought it would be fun to delve into our tap tour rating system so you all can explore breweries, too! In the beginning many of the places I'll be discussing will be previous breweries we've visited, but *hopefully* as things with COVID get better we will be able to road trip to new places outside of Missouri/Kansas. Just know that we are taking all of Kansas and KC's precautions very seriously and if we do go somewhere we always sit outside and socially distance.

I was hoping to release my first brewery review this week but I'm going to take more time to work on that post and get it up next week. I am so excited to have a more creative way to share my brewery experiences with you all. I hope it inspires you to shop local and support the breweries in your community.

Until next time,

Taylor xx

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