Post-Grad Life

It's been almost a full month since I graduated from college. This past weekend I went back to Springfield for a quick trip and it honestly had felt like I had been gone for over a year. Within the past month so much has changed and it feels like college was so long ago.

My last semester at school (as far as class is concerned) was fairly easy. I spent a lot of my spare time writing and re-writing my resume and cover letter. I went to coffee shops. I explored lots of breweries. I had lots of fun and it ended with me getting engaged (not too bad of a semester if I do say so myself).

When I reached graduation I had already accepted a job and nervousness set in. Did I make the right decision? Did I rush into post-grad life? Will I like post-grad life?

Over the past month those nerves have settled and I can honestly say I've adjusted pretty well. I've gotten into the rhythm of working 8-5. The things I'm doing at work are things I hoped I would do (social media, writing, Photoshop/InDesign, event planning). My co-workers are great and supportive. The industry I'm in is completely foreign to me so I have had the chance to learn a lot of new terminology.

It's nice to no longer have class and be able to pursue hobbies that interest me. Right now, I spend my time working out, planning the wedding, reading, and hanging out with David. I want to give myself a little more time to embrace this new routine before I start volunteering and filling my schedule up again.

For my friends who are still in school but are preparing for graduation, my advice is to give yourself grace. It is weird being so far away from friends after spending the past 3 1/2 years walking distance from everyone. Working at a desk for 8 hours a day does take some time to adjust. But, for the most part, post-grad life is great. I'm eating healthier than in college, working out for longer (and getting stronger), and don't feel stressed by extracurriculars. It's different, but different is good.

I am excited to see where this new chapter of my life takes me and to see how I establish myself as a young professional.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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