
In the last installment of the #IAm____ series we hear from University of Missouri- Kansas City student, Bethany Graham, who has decided to embrace spontaneity for the rest of her college journey.

Why did you pick the word spontaneity?
Lately, I have been focusing on releasing control and enjoying myself in the moment. Whether this is dancing on tables with my friends, or letting myself go to bed early instead of doing homework until midnight like I planned. I need to listen to my body and focus on my emotional health in order to live a happy, healthy life.

Do you have any advice for college students who may also struggle with living in the moment?
Especially as college students, we need to remember to enjoy where we are. A lot of things are going on, and if we get so wrapped up in balancing everything and spreading ourselves thin, our time is over, and all for what? To be stressed out and overwhelmed most of the time? I've often struggled with being strict about my studies and work schedule, that I forget how much I love what I do. I have an amazing job, wonderful school, and I love what I'm studying. So why do I make myself miserable? I'm worth so much more than that. I shouldn't be a slave to my planner and I need to remember to be present in what I'm doing now.

This last year I was so stressed out that by November of my senior year I needed to already be interviewing for jobs, but the last few months I've had to rework my priorities and original plans. I still haven't applied for jobs. I have finally realized everyone is on their own path, so I can take my time, as long as I'm not being a lazy slob, and the reason I realized this was because I wasn't having fun and being spontaneous like I used to.

How does this word apply to other areas of your life?
I love this word and this topic because it all boils down to self worth. I want everyone to know they are worth taking time for themselves, to do what feels good, even if it isn't what they planned, as long as it's not destructive to themselves/others. Life throws all sorts of curve balls at you, so there's no use in trying to control it. While maintaining balance, allow yourself some spontaneity. Dance on the table.

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