Saying Goodbye to Spectrum

After 10 super-speedy weeks, I am wrapping up my second internship with Spectrum. Two years ago I started applying for summer internships over winter break feeling like I was not good enough or would never make it to the interview. When I had my initial interview and then a follow up interview and then an internship offer with Spectrum, the second largest cable company in the nation, I was shocked. How could a girl from a tiny, little university in Springfield, Missouri, intern with college students from schools like University of Alabama or Washington University? I quickly learned to not doubt my abilities and found myself really excelling in my work. My internship experience last year gave me such a great insight into the world of corporate communications and, more specifically, internal communications. 

This winter break I started looking at summer internships in St. Louis and Kansas City when I was contacted by a Spectrum recruiter about returning. I considered the idea of interning somewhere else, but I also thought about the chance to grow even further in my skills by returning to Spectrum. I took the jump and told the recruiter yes.

Boy, am I glad I said yes.

This summer I had the chance to apply what I learned last summer and actually get into the content management system and do big things. I obviously still had supervision and approval processes before things went live, but it was still so rewarding to see that I was adding content to our intranet platform and publishing web pages. Outside of the work I was doing within my department my mentor connected me with a HR recruiter. It was so helpful to be able to meet with her and get her advice and suggestions on interviewing, resumes, and career opportunities. Somehow, another 10 weeks flew by and now I'm packing my cubical up.

It feels so weird that in a few short days I'll be leaving this office and not coming back. The internal communications team gave me a place that encouraged my growth and developed my confidence. I have had more opportunities than I ever could have imagined an internship would provide.

And lastly, but most importantly, I had the chance to work work with the best co-workers for two summers in a row. They made entering the big, scary corporate world less intimidating and more real. I am so thankful that out of all of the teams I had the possibility to work with that I could spend my past two summers with them.

Now I am about to embark on my last semester of my undergraduate degree. I'm trying not to rush it, but I am very excited about tackling the next challenge of finding my first post-grad job.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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