Starting Again

I've used my blog as a talking point in a lot of class projects and presentations recently. I haven't made a post in over a month, though, and as the semester winds down I miss writing on here. The past few months have been busy (as I discussed in my last post) and I didn't have any new ideas for posts. I also felt discouraged because I felt like not as many people were reading and I didn't know if I needed to reevaluate what I was writing about. Today it hit me, though, I need to stop overthinking and just write what I want to. I don't use this platform as a source of income, I write because I love to write. I may not have perfect grammar and my posts may include a lot of rambling, but that's who I am.

I haven't gotten better at finding photos to accurately reflect the
blog post title so here's a Sigma Pi formal picture.
I hope that I am able to publish more frequently again for a few reasons. One, like I previously mentioned I love writing and I love getting to share a little bit of my life, it helps me process things. Two, I am wrapping up my first semester of my SENIOR year. This means I only have ONE semester left of college (I'm screaming) & I am equal parts terrified and thrilled. Beyond enjoying writing, I've kept this blog for so long so I can go back and reflect on different points of my life. I have grown and experienced so much since I first unpacked my stuff into Sunderland hall freshman year. I want to have record of my final semester in college.

I have a lot a want to say about college and I want to start posting more about all aspects of my university experience so be on the look out for more of that coming soon.

From this point on I want to focus on reclaiming my blog for topics I want to write about, even if they're repetitive or even if they don't get the most views. I have to remember that I'm publishing content and even if people don't read it all of the time, I am proud of myself.

No matter how long you've been following my blog, know that I appreciate all of the kind comments you send my way and I am excited for this last chapter of my collegiate experience to be shared with you all.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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