321 Days

I took a much needed break from just about everything over winter break. The few days leading up to the start of a new semester is always overwhelming to me. There's so much anticipation, everything is about to change but you have no idea how it's going to unfold. By the end of break I'm craving for the semester to start so I can get back into a routine.

Somehow two weeks have already gone by in my spring semester and I am feeling a lot more relaxed this weekend. I'm getting into the routine of my classes, my internship and the role of president in my sorority.

While this semester is probably going to be one of the busiest of my college career, I continuously try to remind myself to take it all in. I'm technically a senior in college now (what!) and I have registered to graduate in the fall. By the end of this year (approximately 321 days) I will be walking across the stage to get my diploma. I've caught myself saying time and time again how ready I am to graduate and how ready I am to be done.  As the days go by, though, I think about the day 322 days now when I am finished with my undergraduate degree. When I won't return to Drury for another spring semester. When I'll (hopefully) start my life in the corporate world. I am so ready to be done with classes, but am I ready for the "real world" (but I guess is anyone actually ready for the real world)? It'll be weird to come back to Drury as an alum but I hope I am able to come back a few times in the spring to celebrate the last semester of their senior year.
A little throwback to my high school graduation

As I think back to my senior year of high school, I think about how much I have changed in just 3 short years. I think about the opportunities Drury has given me, the people I have met here and the places I've been able to visit because of my education.

I don't want to wish away the next 321 days at Drury (as much as I talk about the countdown in my calendar to that day) and I hope you'll help me make the last year of my college experience the best it can be.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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