So about your guns

I had another post ready to share today but I felt that I needed to talk about this today as I was walking home from the gym and got a notification on my phone.

I really try not to express my political views on my blog. Now if you know me personally you know I don't shy away from talking about my distaste for our current political climate, but I really do try to stay away from it on this platform. You may ask yourself why. I don't want to have to debate through a comment section. I don't like that I have to scroll through Facebook posts from people at my church calling me a "anti-American" for my political views, because last time I checked I was pretty supportive of my country (even in the midst of this turmoil). 

And trust me, I recognize the other side, too. And if you're on the other side, please don't take this as me attacking you. I'm not. I'm simply stating something I don't agree with and I hope you can respect that, just like I respect your opinions. I can respect your opinions and work for change, though.

See, the moment I got this notification I sent this screenshot to my mom. Please tell me how we live in a nation where our leader thinks a possible solution is to arm teachers? Not only do I strongly disagree with this, but I have so many questions regarding it.

1) How are you going to go about funding every public school teacher in the nation with gun training and a gun? (Especially when you're already cutting $9.2 billion in funding for education, according to NPR)

2) What happens if a school shooter comes in and now instead of having one gunman you have 20+ because every teacher is shooting. Think about the difficulties for law enforcement and first responders going into that scene.

3)Think of all of the incidents that could occur with that amount of guns in schools. How many "accidental" shootings, how many "oh a student broke into the lock" stories would come out. You may argue not a lot or potentially less that the going rate of school shootings, but guess what-- 1 incident is too many.

Teachers don't go into teaching to wield guns. They go into their careers to educate the future generations. Never in a million years did I think I'd ever have to be worried about my mom going to work to teach a classroom of 5-6 year olds.

I truly don't understand how President Trump listened to the parents of victims and students themselves and thought that the answer was to arm teachers. 

The answer is obvious but sadly will never be accomplished. Politicians have to put politics aside and put the safety of the nation's children at top priority.

So about your guns... No I don't want to get rid of all your guns. All I want is a little bit more regulation, and guess what all of you people I know who are so passionate about your guns will get to keep them. Would I like to see militarized weapons like the AR-15 not allowed, sure. No person needs a weapon like that. But realistically I think it's fair to ask that you can keep all your guns (of all types) if you just beef up your paperwork.

Some may call me naive for wanting to live in a world where I don't fear my future kids going through a school shooting. "Danger is always out there" is true, but school shootings don't need to be a part of that narrative. 

And some may argue that these people will still have access to guns, but that's inevitable. Drugs are illegal but people still do drugs and ruin people's lives. But if we can get stricter gun laws and maybe save one or two children, that's one or two more children who get to grow up, pursue their dreams, and live the life they wanted. That's two children whose parents who don't have to visit them in a graveyard. I don't think that's too much to ask.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

**All of these thoughts are my own, they do not necessarily reflect the views of my friends or family**

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