Dear Sophomore Year Winter Break Taylor

Dear Sophomore Year Winter Break Taylor,
You've almost officially survived your first winter break. It was filled with a lot of Dateline and baking cookies. While I could fill you in on how unproductive I was during my four weeks off, instead I am going to advise you on what you should/should not pack for winter break the second time around. 

Freshman Year Winter Break Taylor

See, I pride myself on being fairly minimalistic when it comes to packing for trips. My dad is an extreme minimalist so packing light is something I've always been used to. Winter break, for some reason, was much different, I felt like I packed every single item of clothes in my dresser into my duffle bag. In reality, I wore the same rotation of sweatshirts and pajama pants/yoga pants.

So here is a dos and don'ts packing list for winter break:
DO pack sweatshirts. Obvious enough- it's Missouri and it's winter, and you'll live in them for four weeks.
DO NOT pack every nice sweater you own because you won't wear them, even if you try to convince yourself you will. You're going to be laying on the couch, on your computer for most of break, you don't need to wear a fancy sweater for that. Bring home 3 maximum.
DO pack yoga pants. It's easy to pack yoga pants because they aren't bulky like sweatshirts, so you can bring all of them (or a good 4-5 pairs).
DO NOT pack four dresses. In case you forgot, it's freezing outside, and even though you'll think that you're going to want to dress cute for church or for dinner, you're not. You'll end up wearing jeans and one of your sweatshirts every time. Pack one dress (if that) and you'll be fine.
DO pack your computer charger. Even though you remembered for winter break, you forgot about it for Thanksgiving break, and it was a struggle until you could borrow a charger.
DO NOT pack every single notebook/journal you own. You'll tell yourself you'll write in all of them every day, but you'll forget that you brought them home until the last week of break. One notebook will suffice.

So really, sophomore year Taylor, if you don't wear it at school on the regular, what makes you think you're going to wear it at home, where you're 10x lazier. Forreal, I think you socialized at home like 5 times tops. Overpacking is terrible and at the end of break you'll have to try to reorganize everything that has been thrown across your room for the last few weeks. 

Future me, I hope you enjoy this break as much as you enjoyed your freshman year break. Yes, it sucks being away from your friends (a lot), spending time with your family and friends from home is important, too. I hope this helps you and that you don't overpack nearly as badly as you did for your first break.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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