
As the last 20 minutes of Thanksgiving day unfold, I have had a lot of time to reflect on what I am thankful for. 

I can't just make one blog post that covers everything I'm thankful for (that's impossible), but I will share a couple things from the past few months.

1. Family. I am so incredibly blessed with my family for many different reasons. I have a great relationship with my parents (and brother) and wouldn't trade it for the world. Coming home from college is never an "ugh, wow my parents" but instead many happy tears and laughter. I would be no where without my family and I am forever grateful for them.
Move in day
Playing football earlier today

2. Drury. I mean I talk about Drury a lot but it is seriously the best college ever. Every day campus becomes more and more like home. I am surrounded by people who love life, love what they're studying, and love what they are doing. Drury as a university, and as a campus, will always be something I am thankful for. 
My first tour of Drury during my junior year. My mom forced me to visit because I thought I would hate it, but the minute I stepped on campus I knew it was the right place.
3. Kappa Delta. I am forever thankful for Kappa Delta. Without Kappa Delta I wouldn't have met some of the most sincere, loving, inspiring, and dedicated women. I wouldn't have met some of my closest friends: those who go get Hurts Donuts with you after chapter meeting, go to the computer lab to do homework with you, or come over to your room to just let you vent. The women of Kappa Delta have positively changed my life in so many ways. I cannot thank them enough for everything they've done in my life. I love my sorority more than words can ever begin to describe.
This is the first time I've seen this picture in a while, oh my goodness, look at us. This was when we first got our bids. 
Fam is perfect
4. Writing. A weird thing to be thankful for, considering most people think of writing papers or doing homework assignments. That's not the case with this. I am thankful for the ability to write, for an education that taught me the basic fundamentals of reading, writing, etc. 

Writing connects me to people through so many platforms. One of the biggest platforms I have is social media: this blog, Twitter, Facebook. All of those use my writing ability to share what I want to say. 

My writing also applies to my work on the newspaper, where my purpose is to inform or educate. I research a story, talk to people in the community so that they can share their thoughts/feelings/opinions, and report it.

Writing is something that is very personal to me, too. I have so many different journals that document my life. From a young age I have always kept some form of a journal to narrate how life was going, to vent, or to just be creative. Now that I'm older I have specific journals dedicated to specific things. One is just a daily life update/share what I'm thinking journal, one is more devotion focuses/Bible-reflection focused, and one is a daily Q&A journal. Writing is extremely therapeutic to me. Somedays I don't know how to physically explain to someone what I want to say, but I can write it out. Writing is something I will always be thankful for because it provides me with so much relief and it helps me accomplish so many different things.

5. Amazing People. I have some of the best friends in the world. In the past it's been really hard for me to open up to people, but since coming to college that has really changed. At first it was still a bit difficult to just go up to people and start talking, but now a lot of my closest friendships have come from doing just that. It's surreal to me because I feel like I've known these people forever when in fact it's really only been 3 weeks (for some, and others I have known since the beginning of the school year). The people I have met at Drury have really shaped my experience and I am so thankful for them. 
Me, Oliver, Brayden
Angel and I (Angel is in Kappa Delta but this is a cute picture of us and we're friends so it still fits here)
So those are just a few of the things I'm thankful for. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will try to post again soon.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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