High School Reflection

As I'm sure all of you know, I'M DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL (*cue applause and cheering). Friday was my last day and many of the seniors around me were crying or upset, and I honestly felt none of the emotion (sorry...). I kept telling myself, oh maybe I'll be sad on Monday or something, but it's now Wednesday and I'm still not the least bit upset about high school being over. It's not that I hated high school because I didn't. I was very lucky to receive an education in a great school district with great teachers. For me, I just became stuck in this rut of repetitive-ness. I don't even like change, but this year it hit me that I'm ready for it, and honestly need it right now.

Okay, now on to the reflection part... Here are some of the biggest lessons I learned while in high school.

1. Don't let something negative control your life. It's just high school. If you find that "something"--whether it be a class, club, or sport, is making you more unhappy than happy, drop it. It isn't the end of the world. In fact, it's better that you practice now than wait and never know how to say no to anything. 

Join something you're passionate about and that you want to spend time doing. Not only will you enjoy yourself, but you'll be happier. For me, newspaper.

2. You'll find friends in unexpected places. At the beginning of senior year I would get to school early (to get a good parking spot because that is essential to being a Timberland student), and sit in my personal finance class to work on things I had to do. One day the teacher was late so I was wandering the halls waiting for her to show up. Some old friends of mine (who I wasn't very close with at the time) invited me to come hang out with them. I thought to myself that it would be a one time thing, but these people became some of my best friends and I have the most interesting, odd, funny stories ever because of them. 

3. Freshmen P.E. is terrible, but make the most of it. There are many reasons as to why freshmen P.E. is terrible, and I wish I had the time and space to talk about all of them. There are so many times, looking back, where I just want to ask the teacher why we did what we did because so much of it makes little sense. A majority of freshmen P.E. was me walking with my friends, Maddie and Anya, talking about anything and everything. We needed each other during that year more than I think we thought we did. We have grown so much since those days of "Dance Dance Revolution", the jump rope unit, and running 3 miles for our final (which barely anyone was prepared for), and I'm glad I had them two to go through P.E. with me.
The freshman year struggle
4. THE PARKING LOT IS A DISASTER. Timberland students who aren't driving just yet, be prepared for how disgusting the parking lot is. There are 1,000 parking spots yet only 1 (yes, ONE) entrance/exit. It only takes me like 13 minutes to get to school but I would still leave each day by 6:35 so I could get a good parking spot. At the end of the day, you need to sprint to your car in order to get out of the parking lot within ten minutes. If you walk, you are most likely going to be sitting in the parking lot for at least 20 minutes.
Trying to get out of Timberland like...
5. Get a job that you like. I actually enjoy going to work, and would usually prefer to be there. I know so many people that stress out so much about work and their job and it's not worth it. I have some of the best coworkers and managers. Some of the people I work with are my best friends and have helped me through so much. The people I work with actually care about me and my wellbeing and I appreciate them so much. 

6. Be involved in academic extracurriculars as well as athletic. These activities don't always have to be school-run, but join some kind of club or organization. You'll meet new people, make friends, and challenge yourself. For me these clubs were the High School Tri Club, newspaper, and DECA. Each of them have impacted my high school career and I have shaped my life in some way, shape, or form. 

I learned a lot in high school-- so much more than just what I talked about here, as well as so much more than the assigned lessons in class. Although I'm not said that high school is over, I'm glad I had the experience I did. 

Until next time,
Taylor xx

- Check out the HS Tri Club here

traffic picture from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_congestion

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