DECA State Bound!

So I've been a little M.I.A. recently and I just thought I would update you on the craziness that is my life currently.

If you follow me on social media you'll know that my DECA partner, Bethany, and I qualified for DECA State on Wednesday. Districts was held at the St. Louis Mills Mall. Bethany and I competed in two events- HTOR and HTDM. We worked on our HTOR project from September until December, with a presentation over it in class in January. HTDM was our "back up" event because we knew HTOR was going to be a really full event as well as a very competitive event. We placed third in HTDM and qualified for state!! The entire time I didn't want to get my hopes up and was thinking we weren't going to make it. The moment our DECA advisor called our names up on stage, Bethany and I freaked out. However, when we heard we got third, we thought only the top 2 made it to State so we assumed we didn't qualify. After we got off stage we figured out that we did and then had a second freak out/celebration. 
HTDM stands for Hospitality Services Team Decision Making. According to the DECA website, HTDM is described as "marketing and management functions and tasks that can be applied in hotels, motels, lodging services, related convention services, and related food and beverage services.
Bethany and I will be heading to the Lake of the Ozarks to compete in mid-March and I'm so excited. We've worked super hard all year long to prepare for competition. It's also really exciting because what I'm doing in DECA is similar to what I'll be doing in the future.

I wanted to say congratulations to any of the other DECA State qualifiers, too!

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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