Newspaper Life

A few days ago I compiled a list of "newspaper things"--sayings, memories, and moments. Newspaper has been my favorite thing about high school and I don't know what I'm going to do without everyone next year. This is just a really casual, old-school list blog post I thought I would post for fun. It's also for me to reflect on at the end of the year.

I don't know if these apply to everybody's newspaper staffs or just mine, but I thought I'd give you a little insight into my (our) lives.

1. Who's going to the gas station after school?
2. Are you going to Starbucks?
3. Three fonts per spread MAX
4. Comic sans, yellow, and hashtags are Hoffmann's favorites
5. "How much does dinner cost?" *Five minutes later* "How much is dinner?"
6. Crying from laughter or too much stress (mainly me)
7. The Eagle Squad
8. Mr. Steal Yo Girl (thanks Brandon and Tristin)
9. The quote wall and its infamy 
10. Trying to explain to someone what you want for a last minute infographic
11. Jamming to One Direction even though the guys hate it 

12. Listening to more Disney music than you thought one person could possibly listen to
13. Bread Co runs
14. Last minute page changes on Thursday at 9:00 :)
15. The overwhelming amount of sarcasm in the newspaper room (which may or may not border on the line of cruel)

16. Being at school until 10:00 pm and then being back at school by 6:45
17. Not even caring how awful you look on layout or the day after
18. Basically eating your weight in Walmart $3/52 cookies
19. Really bad bonding games that end up with us sharing our weird dreams, travel plans, and goals
20. Overall, just being as close as a family

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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