I Quit SWIM!?!? *Life Updates*

I cannot believe it has been two weeks since I last blogged. Actually, if I'm being honest I can. My life has been super crazy these past two weeks and I've barely had time to breathe. 

Starting with two weeks ago...
It was layout week (*cue cheers*). I talk about layout week a lot on this blog and in life in general because newspaper is a huge part of my life. If you don't know what it is, once a month (respectively) the newspaper staff stays after school in increasing time increments so we can finish that issue of the paper. If you go to Timberland be sure to pick up a paper, we distributed them on Friday! On layout night we were only at school until 9:30 rather than 10:30 like last issue which was a positive. 

On top of that, though, we had our first of two large tournaments at the concession stands. Over 120 teams from around the Midwest (and I believe some Canadian teams, too) were playing last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I worked at the soccer stands, and then one of the smaller baseball stands so we honestly weren't crazy busy but adding layout on top of it all equals an exhausted me.

This week...
This was basically my attempt-to-catch-up but still fall behind week. Layout is stressful but it's also satisfying because you see your ideas come to life. However, I do this by justifying how I really don't need to study my English vocab or do a college algebra assignment after layout, which consequently makes me fall behind. Plus some other stressful decision making had to happen this week which left me in tears three separate times during this past school week.

Then, the second tournament this weekend at work is even bigger -- 150 teams are here. I worked last night 4:30-11:30, got up and took the ACT this morning at 8:00 and then work tonight from 4:30-11:30. I'm not upset by this at all because I really enjoy and love the concession stands, if anything I'm just very tired. 

But what you all really read this for...
Yes I quit swimming. I made an entire YouTube video about it and at the time I felt like I didn't say everything I needed to say. However, as I have watched it back and gotten feedback from it, I'm really happy with what I said. If you haven't watched the video click here

Here's the run down-
I am a people pleaser and I focus so much on making other people happy that I never make time for myself. I took on a little (okay a lot...) more than I thought I could handle this winter. As I tried explaining it to people, a lot of people who are close to me understood, while others did not. Swimming is not my future, yes it's been a huge part of my life but for right now my time is consumed with newspaper and advanced marketing stuff. I'm happy with that though because I want to major in Public Relations and Advertising so both of those classes/ extracurriculars will help me grow toward my future goals. When I started swimming freshman year, it was a stress relief. After January of this year, swim was more of a burden and worry than it was worth. Over the summer I didn't swim on a summer league for the first time since third or fourth grade, and I can truly say I didn't miss it. I am still a part of the HS Tri Club and I'm still training with them, but I can honestly say that I'm super excited to have this winter off. It'll be extremely nice to be able to actually enjoy the Christmas spirit and all the festivities instead of worrying about practice.

Okay so that was basically a long blurb of my thoughts. Definitely check out the video for a somewhat more organized version of all those thoughts, and I expand more on why I quit there.

I'm going to go try to do my College Algebra homework now.

As work winds down, and as I now have some time in the winter, I hope to blog more frequently now, so look out for more of my posts.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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