A Thank You

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you. If you haven't been keeping up with my blog go check out my last post here. Thank you for all of your love, support, and own personal testimony. 

It's somewhat funny because I typed that post basically in a daze of emotion and right before I went to small group I told my mom I was going to delete it. I hadn't read what I wrote, and didn't know if any of it made sense. I just wrote and kept going. 

After small group though, I continued to add onto it and decided it wouldn't hurt to post. I ended up publishing it right after 10:00, and if you know me you know I go to bed pretty early. I published it thinking that no one would really read it because I posted late at night (for me) and the only picture in it was of my tweets so I didn't think it would draw much attention.

When I woke up the next morning I woke up to twelve or so messages and freaked out because I had totally forgotten what I did the night before. I sat in my bed for at least five or so minutes reading through everyone's texts, comments, and personal messages. I'm no where near a "big blogger" but I got a glimpse into what it is like to truly impact people. A few people shared their similar struggles and it just reminds me that even if you feel completely alone there is probably someone else who is feeling the same way.

As the past week has gone by I wasn't really sure how to follow up with my next post because I couldn't ignore what I wrote. So I hope this works (this week was also the first layout week for newspaper so I hadn't thought of anything to write about because I was so stressed out). 

Again, I want to thank everyone who left me messages, whether on Facebook on my actual blog or just texts. It's crazy because people who I thought would never have talked to me have this week. That blog post also gave me a little push to analyze my anxiety a little more and realize that it is okay to accept help and I don't have to be alone.

I love you all so much

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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