Bad Habits

I am so sorry I haven't posted a blog post in a week! I think eight days is the longest I've gone without posting a blog in a while. It was layout week this week for newspaper and life was pretty chaotic. There was a softball exposure tournament this weekend and as a concession stand worker, I'm required to work every day of the tournament. 

Layout week brings out the best and worst of everyone; by Thursday night we are all ready to be done with the paper and not stare at a computer for eight hours. I think it's time for some self-reflection.

Not all of these relate to newspaper, but they are just general bad habits. 

1. My worst bad habit of all; biting my nails. My New Year's Resolution was to stop biting my nails. It is more of a nervous habit which has turned into a bad habit. I've been biting my nails for so long that I don't even realize I'm doing it.

2. I ramble/mumble a lot. I will go on random tangents but after a while I will start to fade off and not finish my sentences. I know what I want to say in my head but when I actually try to explain it, I make it 5x more complicated than it needed to be. 

3. I'm indecisive. I know this might not sound like a "bad habit" but it's something I always seem to do; or rather not do. In general I know what I like and don't like but there are things that fall in the middle that I just can't decide on.

4. I'm a people-pleaser. I want to make as many people happy as I can. In newspaper I want others to do what they want design-wise. When other people ask for my opinion I want them to do what they like because I want them to be happy (and most of the time, I like what they've designed anyway).

5. I say sorry A LOT. This could be my second worst habit to biting my nails. I say sorry around 70% of the time. Spending so much time with the newspaper staff, they always tell me to stop saying sorry. I don't know why I say it so often because no one has ever made me feel like I needed to, I just do. I've gotten better since freshman year, and I've continued to work on not saying sorry.

This was a little something different for the week. I'll try to post more often this week. Sorry there aren't any pictures corresponding with the post, I hope you still liked reading my blog.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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