My Thoughts on Justin Bieber





Don't we all remember this sweet innocent kid? That hair flick though... Now before we get started, I'm stating my opinion, which you don't have to agree with, I'm simply stating my thoughts on him, hence the title. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!!

I believe that Justin Bieber is extremely hard working. He started around age 12 performing and eventually getting noticed, right? I'm not denying his work ethic because he had to work extremely hard over the past few years to get where he is. However I believe he isn't handling the spotlight right. I'm not saying it's easy, we've all seen countless child stars slip into a dark path.

I believe that Justin Bieber has more money than he knows what to do with and at such a young age that leads to irresponsibility. He already has everything he'll ever need in the world and if he needs it he can buy it. He never had that time of growing up, he was placed in the spotlight at such a young age. He had so many expectations of what he needed to be for so long that he's finally been established and can have some freedom. He's come through a rough patch and I'm honestly sorry for him because he obviously needs some people in his life who can sit him down and be like "you're seriously going to regret this and you look totally stupid." You would think after so many incidents that he'd learn but again he has the fame. It seems like once you get the fame you handle it one of two ways, not let it affect how you live or take it to drastic measures. Bieber needs a reality check, that you can't just continuously get away with bad choices because of who you are. Really what he needs is someone to steer him back in the right direction. Yes he's growing up but there is a difference between experimenting and producing a DUI while drag racing. Or smoking so much weed with your dad that the pilot of your jet has to put on a mask to breath. Haven't heard that one? It's the newest revelation, Bieber and his dad smoked so much that the pilot couldn't breathe and they harassed the flight attendant (apparently really badly). When the police raided the plane all the drugs were gone because they smoked it all but the smell was obvious. 

My last thoughts are that he figures out what's best for him and that in the end he's happy because it's his life not mine.

Well, there's a lot more I could say but I decided to stick to the basics. I hope no one took too much offense to this. I'm really enjoying writing about pop culture so I'll be doing that more often so hopefully you enjoy that. BUT: I will be posting a baking tutorial very soon so check back over the weekend for that. Also, my weekly YouTube video will be up tomorrow (Saturday) and it's me reading my old journal from middle school. You'll definitely want to watch that.

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