Snow Ice Cream

This seemed to be popping up on my Instagram feed a lot throughout the past day. Here in Missouri we got a good 9-10 inches of the white stuff. This also means that school was cancelled,  in fact it got cancelled yesterday. The last snow day we had, I got the "school call" at 5 am. This time it was a whole day before, what!!?? Well it's nice to know I can sleep in (except fun fact, I can't sleep in past 7:30, I know I'm not a normal teenager).

Well anyway, yesterday I gathered up some snow to have my first try at snow ice cream. I was a little skeptical but this is how it went.

2 quarts (1/2 gallon) snow
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1 c. milk
1/2 Tbs. vanilla

1) Gather your snow in a big container

2) Mix sugar and vanilla until all combined. It will look something like this:
3) Add the milk until the desired consistency is reached
4) Serve into bowls or cups and enjoy.
*** Eat quickly because it melts fast***

Also, if you all could check out my YouTube channel (  I would love it so much. I'll go more in depth soon but I put a lot of effort into my editing and recording my videos, I know they aren't perfect but I'm working on it :). Anyway, my newest video is the 25 random question tag with my friends. If you could like, comment, and subscribe I would greatly appreciate it, and check out my other social media links below

Twitter: @thebabyperks
Instagram: @thebabyperks

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