What I've learned

Whether it's journaling or talking out my life with some of my closest friends, I find that reflecting is a healthy and important part of growing.

As I look at my life over the course of my time in college I have learned so many lessons. These are just a handful of the countless ones and I know I'll share more in the future.

Saying no is okay, and that goes for a variety of things. Last year I had the potential for being one of Drury's first female triathletes. The sport of triathlon has played a huge role in my life and when I originally said yes I explained my prior commitments. It ended up not working out due to a lot of factors and honestly it was for the best. I already can feel swamped at times with what I'm involved with, I wouldn't have been ready to compete at a collegiate level. Nor would I have the friends I do this year because I would have always been traveling.

From saying no I learned that failure happens. Whenever people ask about my biggest fears I think of a lot of things but I usually say failure. I'm sure many people can relate. I don't think anyone wakes up in the morning and sets out to disappoint people but it happens. Unfortunately the cliche is true and failure is necessary. Without failure some of the greatest things wouldn't have come to be. While it can be disappointing to fail, I have used that as motivation to strive to be better.

I've learned to find balance. It can't be 90% school/10% fun, but it also can't be 90% fun and 10% school. You have to balance friends, a social life, jobs, extracurriculars, schoolwork, and free time. One way I have done this is by prioritizing sleep. I was pretty good at this in high school and I've been pretty good at it in college, too. A well-rested body is one that can get you through the long days. I try to sleep 7-8 hours a night so that I can achieve a healthier life.  

That brings me to my next point-- listen to your body. I am training for a half marathon in April while also continuing to lift on the days I don't run. It's easy for me to push myself even when I'm tired. That little push is good to an extent but you also have to tailor how you're living to your body's response. If I'm too tired I've learned that a rest day is okay. I have also learned that just because I didn't go to the gym doesn't mean I don't "deserve" that ice cream from Andy's (in fact- nothing makes you "deserve" some kind of food, eat what you want in moderation). 

These principles are things I try to remind myself of. Many of the changes I've made to my life throughout the past 1 1/2 years of college are ones I am proud of. I have also learned to accept my shortcomings and used what I learned to improve.

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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