Every Decision

"You're always one decision away from a different life." 
I used to think about this a lot when it came to life events. If I would have made (x) decision differently I would be doing (x) now. I have had problems in the past obsessing over this. I would lay in bed and run through the 1000s of different ways a situation could have played out. I soon realized that that wasn't a healthy way to live.

What I learned from that, though, is that every day you have a choice. Every day that you wake up you have the ability to change your life. It may not be to the scale you want it to be but you can still make small, little self-improvements. These small changes have an impact.

A line from a church sermon that continues to stick with me is, "your current storm is not your forever forecast." It may be easy to focus on what you aren't accomplishing, your current storm can be your forever forecast if you let it drive your life, but don't let it. Use your current situation to motivate you to do things to get you closer to being your happiest self. 

You are one decision away from changing the direction of your life. You (and only you) have the power to decide how you live today. Others may have an influence on your life or what you do, but your mindset always goes back to you. Recognize the power of your choices. 

I am working on not worrying about the past decisions I could have made. I am working on living in the moment, being present, and making decisions that I will be happy with for the "now."

Until next time,
Taylor xx

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